How to draw the lorax Easy with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Cartoon drawings for beginners and kids.
Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below
You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below
Step 1. Draw the Eyes
First draw the Lorax’s eyes, drawing two circles to form the eyes. In each eye, include a series of smaller circles in a row. Shade between the two smallest circles to form the pupils.
Step 2. Nose and Mustache
Use a curved line to draw the nose, and two dots for the nostrils. Next, draw a wide, elongated “M” shape. Draw a series of short curves forming jagged points below each leg of the “M”. Then, connect these lines with an upside-down “V” curve. This circle forms the Lorax’s mustache. Texture the mustache with curves.
Step 3. Mouth
Use a few curves right in the middle below the mustache to form the mouth.
Step 4. Add Fur Details
Use curves of varying lengths to create fur patterns for the body on the Lorax’s chest and belly.
Step 5. Eyebrows
Draw the top outline of the head and add thick eyebrows with a few spikes.
Step 6. Arms and Legs
Use long, curved lines to draw the arms. Note any overlap at the elbows. Enclose the hands and each finger with curved lines. Then, continue the body with a series of short lines that meet at bumpy points.
Draw the Lorax’s legs. Extend a pair of curved lines below the body. Then, use additional lines to wrap around the legs, a curved rectangle. Draw the other leg and foot. Extend a few more curves below the body, then wrap around the rectangular legs.
Step 7. Coloring
Color the Lorax. He is orange with yellow eyebrows and mustache.