How to Draw Celery easy with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions.  Vegetables Drawing Tutorial for beginners and evferyone.


How to Draw Celery

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below

You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

Step 1. Draw the Stem

Draw the base of the celery with an imperfect oval, as shown.

Step 2. Draw the Top of the Stem

Draw the top of the stem with a curve starting from the top of the oval you just drew, noticing that the middle part is more bulging.

Step 3. Draw the Celery Leaves

Then we will add the small leaves above the stem.

Step 4. Draw the Finished Stems

Now it is time to draw the stems tightly packed and close together. Follow the drawing shown here and make sure to add the small stems towards the end of the celery.

Step 5. Draw the Patterns and Veins

Don’t forget to add some patterned lines to the stem.

Add tiny veins that run throughout each celery leaf.

Step 6. Color your drawing

How to Draw Celery

Take a colored pencil or crayon and color your celery with various shades of green.

These aren’t the most frequent guests of the various drawing guides and textbooks, and you rarely find a celery drawing lesson (which sounds funny). But we think our readers can learn from everything, so this lesson will also be helpful. Among other things, this lesson will be helpful for those who want to master a genre like still-life painting, and draw not only apples and grapes, but also unusual subjects for still lifes like celery.

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