How to Draw Kermit the Frog Easy with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. How to draw cartoons for beginners and kids.
Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below
Kermit the Frog Drawing Step by Step
Step 1. Draw Kermit’s Eyes
Draw Kermit’s eyes, for each eye, sketch a circle, then fill in a small circle in the middle. Draw a curved line through the small circle.
Step 2. Draw the Head
Next, sketch Kermit’s head. Draw a slightly raised line at the chin and cheeks.
Step 3. Add the Mouth
Draw Kermit’s mouth using two wide “U” shaped lines. Use another “U” shaped line to sketch his tongue, and draw a short line in the middle.
Step 4. Kermit’s Collar
Use a series of “V” shaped lines to sketch Kermit’s collar.
Step 5. Sketch the Body
Draw an oval to sketch Kermit’s body.
Step 6. Draw the Hands
Use “V” shaped lines to sketch Kermit’s arms – note the rounded point of the elbows. Then, use a series of curved lines to sketch Kermit’s hands and fingers.
Draw Kermit’s remaining arm, erasing the guidelines as needed. Use two wide “V” shaped curves with rounded points. Then use the curves to complete the hand. Distinguish the fingers by using lines with narrow spacing.
Step 7. Add the legs
Use a pair of wide, curved “V” shaped curves to outline Kermit’s legs, curving at the knees. Use curves to outline the feet and a series of small “V” shaped curves to indicate the toes.
Use curves to draw Kermit’s remaining legs and feet. Round out the toes with a series of small “V” shaped lines.
Step 8. Color
Color in Kermit the frog. The frog is a famous green frog with a lighter green neck.