How to Draw an Acorn Easy with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Fruit drawings for Beginners and kids.

How to Draw an Acorn

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below

You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

Step 1. Draw the Oak Branch

Start by drawing two long, almost parallel curves. However, note that these lines are farther apart at one end and closer together at the other. These lines form the branch that the oak tree is attached to.

Step 2. Add the Leaves

Draw three long curves extending upwards from the branch, just above the oak tree. These will form the veins of the oak leaf.

The oak leaf stripes divide the lobes around each stripe, using a long, wavy line for each pattern.

Extend short curves outward from each vein, forming appendages.

Step 3. The Acorn Stem

Next, draw a small branch from the oak branch to represent the acorn stem.

Step 4. The Acorn Cap

Use two curves to draw a crescent shape dangling from the trunk. This is your acorn cap or cupule.

Step 5. Acorn

Use a long curved line to enclose the shape of the acorn, called the nut or shell. Notice that the edges are almost straight and the small bulge at the top, the rest of the oak pattern.

Step 6. More details

Add a cross pattern to the acorn hat by drawing diagonal lines.

Step 7. Color

How to Draw an Acorn

Color your flowers and leaves. Acorns are green when young, turning brown as fall approaches. Your leaves can be green or red, yellow, orange, and brown in the fall.

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