How to Paint a Girl Face with this how-to video and step-by-step painting instructions. Easy Painting tutorial for beginners and All.
Please see the painting tutorial in the video below
Lioba Brückner
You can refer to the simple step-by-step painting guide below
Step 1
The first step is to use a dominant value that helps to initiate a tone comparison, using a neutral color similar to the average face color.
Step 2
Start with a basic sketch, focusing on the dominant construction and value lines. At this step there is not much concern about accuracy, the goal is to have some lines and tone to develop the next steps where you will really need to focus on accuracy.
Step 3
At first use unsaturated color and draw soft edges. Continually check the timbre and tonal relationship between each area, squint to check the timbre.
Step 4
Before adding correct tone for each area, this is an iterative process (scale adjustment, add tone, blend edges, rescale)..
Step 5
I intercepted the eye’s value as a starting point to compare tones with other neighborhoods. Don’t make it too dark, leave the darkest tones to the end
Step 6
Here I started working on the other areas, sketching the neck and the white skirt
Step 7
I use a smaller Photoshop brush and control the opacity with pen pressure. Start focusing on some details and adjust the proportions
Step 8
I retouched the tones and blended the edges
Step 9
I used complementary colors for the background to add interest, then blended the edges
Step 10
Here I continue to blend and soften the edges, squinting to see the big picture and examining the details of tones and values. Hope you like this!