How To Draw Lara Croft easy with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Cartoon drawings for beginners and everyone.
Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below
Sketched by Ste
You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below
Step 1
Let’s start this first step by drawing out guides and circles to form a solid Lara Croft frame. Starting at the top, draw an egg shape for her head and outline according to the face guidelines. Next, draw a sexy long square for her torso. After you’ve drawn the shapes of this character, start drawing out the guides for the legs, feet, and arms.
Step 2
In this step, what you will do next is draw the shape of her curved body. Starting at the top, draw her shoulders and arms, then her waist and hips. Next, draw the shape of her perfect looking legs and all the attached add-ons like leg straps for her weapons. Scroll down a bit and draw the shape of her calf-high boots and the contours of the socks. Once your drawing looks like the one above, you’re ready to move on to the next step.
Step 3
Okay, in step three of this tutorial, you’ll be drawing Lara Croft’s face and outfit. Starting at the top (as always), outline the shape and position of her hair split in the middle with the curls falling down the sides. Next outline her eyes, eyebrows, nose and mouth. Now move down a bit and outline the lining for her shirt and straps to be placed under her pit and sitting right over her shoulders. Sketch the remaining lines for her arms and hands, then draw the gun on her left hip and the utility on her right hip. Now scroll down and outline the details on her right boot like the laces and her sole.
Step 4
Here, in this step outline in detail the outline of her hair and detail her eyes a bit more. Scroll down and outline the details in her shirt at the bottom and draw the rest of the paraphernalia on her belt. Now finish this step by drawing details on her left boot the same way you did on the right. Erase all the principles and circle shapes that you drew in step 1.
Step 5
Here’s what your finished Lara Croft will look like when you’re done. All you need to do now is color her the way you would with all your finished drawings. That should end this tutorial on how to draw Lara Croft from Tomb Raider. I hope you enjoyed yourself with this easy to learn guide.