How To Draw Kylie Jenner by pencil with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Celebrity drawings for beginners and All.
Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below
yicunlang art channel
You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below
Step 1
Start by creating a guide shape for the head and then outline according to the face and neck guidelines.
Step 2
Now we will draw the curls that flow down her forehead and eyebrows and the curls at the ends. Using the head/face guide, outline her facial structure.
Step 3
Now we will work on completing the hairstyle as well as the shape of her head created from the hair. Once done, draw the shape on the left side of her neck like so.
Step 4
Add details to her hair, and then complete the shape of Kylie’s neck.
Step 5
Next, all you have to do here is draw lines on the lid.
Step 6
Finish drawing Kylie’s pretty eyes. You will need to add some lashes, and then draw in the nicely shaped brows. Color the eyebrows, then proceed to step eight.
Step 7
Now you will draw the nose, it should be small and soft looking.
Step 8
Finally, draw the mouth or lips to look full and plump. That’s all you need to do because you have completed the Kylie Jenner drawing lesson.
Step 9
This is the complete drawing without instructions. You can proceed to add some color to the finished sketch.