How to Draw a Thermometer easy with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Easy drawing tutorial for beginners and kids.
Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below
You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below
Step 1. Draw the Thermometer Core
First draw a long curved line from the top of the bulb. As it nears the top of the thermometer, fold it in half until it reaches the bottom of the device. This forms the capillary tube, through which the mercury flows as it heats up.
Step 2. Draw the Thermometer Shape
Next, on the outside of the thermometer core, use a long curved line to create an irregular shape. Note that it is widest at the top and slopes slightly before decreasing abruptly in width.
Draw a curved line at the bottom of the thermometer. This part is called the bulb and contains the mercury or other chemicals used to measure temperature.
Step 3. Draw the Thermometer Base
Draw a rectangle behind the thermometer core to form the base for the thermometer base.
Step 4. Draw the Thermometer Base
Draw short straight lines along one side of the capillary tube. These are the scale lines that allow you to accurately read the temperature. Use the curves to draw a curved shape, pointed at both ends, on the top of the thermometer. Near the top of the thermometer, write the degree symbol (the small circle) and the letter “C”. This indicates that the thermometer is marked in Celsius. Also, if you live in the United States, Belize, Bahamas, Cayman Islands, or Palau, you can replace “C” with “F” for Fahrenheit.
Step 5. Finishing and Coloring
Draw a straight line across the capillary tube. This line marks the height that the liquid inside the thermometer has reached. You can color it black for a black and white drawing or color your thermometer with red mercury.
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