Funny drawings | Easy paper crafts | How to draw a worm step by step

How to draw a worm step by step, How To Make Folded Surprise Animal Drawing Project with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Easy paper crafts, Funny drawings for beginners and everyone.

how to draw a worm step by step

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below

You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

Step 1

Prepare a white A4 paper. Follow the two pieces of paper between two sheets separated by a distance.

Step 2

Next we draw a cute worm. In the middle of the drawing of the worm, pay attention to the mouth of the worm in the folds of paper, drawing a lot of stripes across the body.

Step 3

Next, open the paper and draw a large mouth with sharp teeth for the worm. Complete other parts of the worm.

Step 4

Paint the worm, paint more colors you like.

I wish you have a moment of hysterics and fun! Thank you!

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