How to Draw an Olive

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below

You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

Step 1. Draw the First Olive

Just draw a small circle on the left side of your paper.

Step 2. Add Details

Now draw smaller circles inside each olive.

Step 3. Add the Second Olive

Add another circle, but draw it slightly behind the first one. Draw smaller circles inside each olive.

Step 4. Draw the Last Olive

Repeat the second step for the third olive. You should now have three overlapping circles. Similarly add details to the olives.

Step 5. Draw Toothpicks

Draw toothpicks connecting the three olives.

Step 6. Finish Your Drawing

How to Draw an Olive

We will color the olives mainly in shades of green, orange, or red. What color will you color the olives?

You can see more see more fruits drawing: