We created this color mixing activity as a sponsored learning activity. We hope you and your child enjoy exploring colors with this fun art activity.

How to Make a Color Mixing Activity

Looking for a fun way to explore primary and secondary colors with your child? This simple color mixing activity is a great way to combine both science and art at home or school while learning all about color.

Children will have fun with this hands on mixing colors and using them to create a beautiful color wheel craft. Be sure to pick up our free color wheel printable sample to prepare for this activity, too.

We used Testors Craft acrylic paint in this fun color mixing activity. We have a huge collection of acrylic paints in our craft supply and I love them. Testors® are not only available in a great selection of colors, but they are versatile so I love how we can use them on all types of surfaces for all of our fabrication needs.

They’re also water-based and non-toxic so they’re perfect for all of our kids’ art and craft projects like the color mixing activity we’re sharing today.

We also love their use of splash paint and marbled environments to create these gorgeous marble Christmas decorations and beautiful Mother’s Day artwork.

Easy color mixing activity for kids

Read our step-by-step instructions below for how to use Testors Craft acrylic paint and our free color wheel sample to have an afternoon of fun color exploration with your kids with simple color mixing activity. this.

We also have a video tutorial inside this post, which you will find helpful before starting this fun learning activity.

Supplies needed for this fun Coloring Activity:

Printable color wheel pattern (printed on white cardboard)
Testors Craft main acrylic paint set
paint brushes
12 inch x 12 inch white cardboard
paper plate (for paint palette)

How to set up and complete color activities with your child

1.Download and print out both pages of the color wheel printable template on white cardboard and gather the rest of your supplies.

Ask the child to cut along the dashed lines of the first page of the pattern, cutting out individual sections of the color wheel. Reserve the second page of the template for later use.

2. Lay out three pieces from the color wheel swatch, along with three paper plates and three brushes. Cover your surface with a sheet of paper or a pad to protect it from paint.

3. Take out the red, yellow and blue paint bottles from your Testors® Master Acrylic Paint Kit. Discuss with your preschooler or children how these are the three primary colors.

4. Pour some red paint on the paper plate. Use a paintbrush to paint one of the wheel pieces red. Then pour yellow and blue paint on the remaining two sheets of paper and use a brush to paint one piece of the color wheel with blue paint and another with yellow paint.

5. Set each piece of the painted color wheel aside to dry completely.
Mix colors together to create secondary colors
Now comes the fun part of mixing primary colors together to create secondary colors.

6. Start with your red painted paper plate. Pour some yellow paint on top of the red paint. Use a brush to mix the red and yellow paints to create an orange color.

7. After creating your orange paint, paint part of the color wheel swatch with it and then set it aside to dry with the rest.

You may find that when mixing colors together, you need to add a little bit more of one of the colors to achieve the shade you want. This is another great way to explore colors and shades of color with kids.