How to Draw Zekrom Pokemon

How to Draw Zekrom Pokemon with this how-to video and step by step drawing instructions. Pokemon drawing tutorial for beginners and all.

How to Draw Zekrom Pokemon

Please see Zekrom Pokemon drawing tutorial in the video below

Zekrom Pokemon Drawing Step by Step

Step 1

Okay, make a circle for the head, then add a border at the neck. Draw the shape of the torso, then attach the neckline to it. Now it’s time to finish drawing the paths and shapes of the body to complete the framing.

Step 2

Start sketching the shape of Zekrom’s head, neck and shoulders like so. Once that’s done, you can start the chest and add a wavy swirl to the top.

Step 3

Continue to outline the body like the left arm, then add the details of the body as you see here. This will detail and identify Zekrom’s body.

Step 4

Start drawing the right arm, then the waist and legs like that. You’ll also add details and definition to the shape of the body, then move on to the next step.

Step 5

Now it’s time to draw the thighs and the bottom of the legs like so. Once that’s done, you can start drawing the left foot, then add the lining detail to the crotch area. Draw a horn on top, then move on to the next step.

Step 6

Now you can start drawing Zekrom’s wings, then add frill-like armor to the right hand, then draw the right paw which looks very powerful. Add all the details and definitions to the body as you see here, then move on to the next step.

Step 7

The last thing you need to do is draw Zekrom’s tail, then add a little more detail and final definition as you see here. Once that’s all done, you can start erasing all the lines and shapes you drew in step one to clean up your drawing.

Step 8

Once you’re done, you can start coloring this Pokemon dark gray. I hope you had fun with this lesson, I hope you learned something new. Peace out!

You can see more pokemon drawing:


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