How to Draw Pringles with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Easy drawing tutorial for beginners and everyone.
Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below
Pringles Drawing step by step
Step 1. Draw the Lid
First, draw the Pringles can’s handle by creating a straight line and a curved line as shown.
Step 2. Build the Box
From the lid, draw a long, thin U-shape to form the Pringles can.
Step 3. Draw the Pringles Face
Draw an oval and then create the iconic Pringles face on the can by drawing two dots for the eyes and short curved lines above the eyes for the eyebrows. Don’t forget to add a mustache below the eyes by drawing a curved shape with a pointed tip as shown here.
Step 4. Draw the Chips
First, draw an oval above the word “Pringles”. Next, add two chips below the word by drawing two curved shapes as shown. Then, add two more chips around the Pringles can by creating two more curved shapes as shown.
Step 5. Writing Text
Write the brand text “Pringles” on the can.
Step 6. Finishing the Pringles Drawing
Let’s finish the Pringles illustration by coloring the can with a red crayon. Next, use a yellow crayon to color the Pringles face and the chips. Then, shade the lid of the can with a gray-white crayon. Now, use a brown crayon to shade the mustache on the Pringles face.
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