How to Draw Kale easy with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Vegetables drawing tuto rial for beginners and everyone.

How to Draw Kale

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below

Step 1. Draw Strings to the Stems

First, draw string to tie the stems horizontally so they are bundled together.

Step 2. Draw Stems

Draw vertical lines until you form smaller stems near the top. Notice that the stems are always tied with string.

Step 3. Add Leaves

Then add the first batch of kale leaves.

Step 4. Add More Leaves

Draw more leaves in the background. This makes the kale look 3D.

Step 5. Draw Veins

Add stems and thinner veins to the inside of the leaves.

Step 6. Color Your Drawing

How to Draw Kale

Take a colored pencil or crayons and color your kale drawing.

You can see more vegetables drawing: