How to Draw Basil with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Easy Tree Drawing tutorial for beginners and everyone.

How to Draw Basil

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below

Basil Drawing Step by Step

Step 1. Draw the First Plant

First draw the first set of leaves and the first basil stem as shown.

Step 2. Add another basil stem

Draw a large basil plant growing out of the middle of the planter, to the left of the first plant.

Step 3. Draw the Last Basil Plant

Draw the last plant near the left of your paper.

Step 4. Draw the Top of the Pot

Draw the top of the pot as shown. B

Step 5. Draw the Bottom of the Pot

Draw the bottom of the pot. Add some details to the soil in the pot.

Step 6. Color

How to Draw Basil

Take a colored pencil or pen and start coloring your basil plant drawing.

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