How to Draw a Hershey Kiss with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. This easy hershey kiss lesson is perfect for younger kids looking to get started with drawing.

How to Draw a Hershey Kiss

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below

Hershey Kiss Drawing step by step

Step 1. Draw the First hershey kiss

Draw the first hershey kiss in the middle. It should look like a small mountain with a pointy top. Refer to the illustration when sketching.

Step 2. Draw the Label

Add a long, wavy rectangle on top of the first candy. Hershey Kisses are famous for their decorative labels.

Step 3. Add the Second Kiss

Add the next kiss to the left, behind your first drawing. These Hershey Kisses were drawn with the foil still on.

Draw another label on the second kiss, wrapped in foil.

Step 4. Add the Final Kiss

Draw another Hershey Kiss on the right. This time, we’ll keep the details smooth so it looks like the chocolate hasn’t been opened yet.

Step 5. Finish Your Drawing

How to Draw a Hershey Kiss

Take your coloring material and color the Hershey Kiss bar.

You can see more drawings: