Yoga for complete beginners! Adriene welcomes all levels – complete and complete beginners to get started here! Hop off the carpet and start building your own yoga workout platform with this 20-minute home workout video! Enjoy, be attentive, and seek what feels good.
Yoga With Adriene
My doubts are not the only ones at all. According to yoga teacher Jason Crandell in San Francisco, the biggest misconception people have about practicing at home is “they think it should be about the same intensity and last as long as a regular classroom.” According to him, this thinking is not only incorrect but can also undermine one’s attempt to establish a home practice method.
“It’s a lot like cooking,” Crandell said. “Sure, you can make restaurant-sized dishes for every meal, but a piece of peanut butter toast now and then will also make you quite tasty.” In the spirit of creating your own peanut butter toast, I’ve put together a few principles to help you overcome the three biggest hurdles we all face: complacency (how I really can do it); fear (what to do once you commit to starting); and busyness (how to find time).
These six tips can help you plan a home workout course and give you confidence that, in fact, you know what you’re doing. They also provide the means to keep your workouts fresh, so you don’t need to do the same number of reps over and over again (unless, of course, you want to – that’s the way, of course. practice at your home).
Amy Pearce-Hayden, RYT, founder of The YogaScape and Spa in Carmel, New York, and, suggests: Before you start greeting the sun or a specific pose, start in a sitting position. relax or even in the corpse pose – a site aimed at home practice meditators. “When you start out with stillness, you can see how your body and mind feel and then decide what to do based on that,” she said.
This will depend on how you feel. If you feel tired and time constrained, choose a short recovery exercise. If you want to go, choose a stronger exercise. If you need to land and stabilize, focus on your standing position. If you need energy, combine it with back bends. “The more exercise methods you use to take care of your immediate needs, the more power and energy you will have in the long run,” Crandell said.
If you feel tired and time-constrained, choose a short recovery exercise. If you need to land and stabilize, focus on your standing position.
This simple proposition ensures that you’ll use your time – no matter how short – constructively. Model intentions that Pearce-Hayden suggests include creating a sense of generosity in a specific part of the body, performing a specific exercise or posture, or noticing (and letting go) of any emotion. appear – without judgment.
There is a general perception that you should adopt the home practice method to perform poses that really challenge you. Crandell suggests throwing the idea out the window. “If you want to build a consistent practice at home, it has to be a carrot rather than a stick.” Start by choosing four or five poses that feel great, so you’ll feel compelled, rather than obliged, to roll over to your bed.
Concentrate while in class.
You can start taking notes in class: I really like that when we do dog-down, dog-down, do-back, I will do those three at home. “I would be disappointed if my students don’t do some of the work we do on a regular basis and bring them into their normal lives,” Crandell said.
Lee suggests choosing at least one pose for each direction of your body – leaning sideways, forward and back, twisting and upside down (this can be as simple as pointing the dog down or bending back. front). “If you combine all the instructions,” she said, “you’ll create a complete method of practice.”
When to practice (and where)
To build a consistent practice at home, you need to create space for it – metaphorically as well as literally. Perhaps the biggest challenge is finding the time. In order for Pearce-Hayden to continue her exercise at home, she said, “I can’t allow myself to be affected by the almost always-flaring anxiety that I can’t take any time. complete the work. “Take even a little time to practice and inspire you, so that when you get back to your to-do list, you’ll be more focused and productive.” “I realize that when I give myself 10 or 15 minutes, the rest of my day feels more spacious,” she said.
Choosing a designated area in your home for exercise can also help create space in your mind for your practice to begin to grow. And that physical space doesn’t need to be big, beautiful, or even Zen especially. “I’ve been practicing for years on a small piece of floor between the fireplace and the coffee table big enough for a yoga mat,” Lee said. “Although it was more like a space, all of those practices instilled it with a feeling that was truly appealing to me.” Even if you’re trudging, the halo of the regular practice site will make you more likely to visit it. “When you’re in your unique position, you are completely immersed in the practice after just two breaths,” Lee said. “Just looking at it will be a trigger.”