How to Draw a Chameleon with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Easy animals to draw for children and everyone.

How to draw chameleon - draw cute animals

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below

You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

Step 1. Draw the Eyes

First draw a black dot for the pupil, then draw a small circle around it, and then draw a big circle for the eye. You know that Chameleons always have big eyes.

Step 2. Chameleon Head

For the second step, you will draw the shell-like shape of the chameleon’s head. The two ends on both sides should be rounded and pointed. The front end is for the snout, and the back end is for the head.

Step 3. Chameleon Legs and Belly

Now you will focus on drawing the body starting with the front and back legs that are hanging on a branch. Add a line connecting the front and back legs to form the belly. Along the body of the chameleon, draw a line closer to the lower belly to create color between the belly and back.

Step 4. Back

The white back of a chameleon is simply a curve as shown.

Step 5. Tail

Chameleons always have a long tail that curves inward.

Step 6. Form The Pattern

Form the V-shaped patterns along the chameleon’s body.

Step 7. Finishing and Coloring

How to draw chameleon - draw cute animals

Check and finish your chameleon drawing then color it.

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