How to draw Lilacs flower easy with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Flower drawing tutorial for beginners and everyone.
Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below
You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below
Step 1
To draw the lilac, you must first create a large almond shape for the bouquet that will reveal the shape. Next, add some guidelines for the stem and leaves.
Step 2
Now you will start sketching the star flowers like you see here, and make sure they are all different sizes.
Step 3
Continue drawing more flowers until you start to fill the bottom half of the stem. See how the little ones hide behind the bigger ones.
Step 4
As you draw out more flowers, be sure to add some buds that aren’t quite open yet. This will add realism to the flower as you see here. You will also start outlining the trunk.
Step 5
Now you are ready to complete your drawing of this beautiful bush. Add some mind in the middle of the lilac flowers, then draw the rest of the stem, and then the leaves as you see here. Erase the lines and shapes you drew in step one, then move on to the next step.
Step 6
This is how your lilac will appear when you’re done. Now all you have to do is choose a shade and color it. I know you probably did a great job with your drawing. Just keep up the great work.