How to Draw Gaara from Naruto Step by Step

How to Draw Gaara from Naruto with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Cartoon drawing tutorials for beginners and All.

How to Draw Gaara from Naruto

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below

Aayush pencilart

You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

Step 1

Start this step drawing Gaara’s body by drawing a circle for his head and then adding guide lines on the face. Then you will draw the neckline and attach it to the box shape for Gaara’s body. From there derive instructions for the limbs and so on.

Step 2

Okay, now let’s start sketching Gaara’s front hairstyle which looks pretty cool. Once done, you can draw the shape of Gaara’s face and then the neckline. Let’s outline the lining of his shoulders, arms, and shirt as you see here. He’s crossed his arms, so you’ll also need to draw lines to convey that the way you see it drawn for you here.

Step 3

Now you will start this step on “how to draw Gaara’s face” and upper body. Start by perfecting the pointed hair design and then use the facial guides to draw the shapes of the eyes and pupils. Next draw Gaara’s nose, mouth and then finish his shirt. Draw out the shape of the duffel bag he wears on his back and now you can move on to the next step.

Step 4

Pulling out one of Gaara’s hands and starting to draw details and shapes of his vest. Add some small details to his sleeves and then his duffle bag. When you’re done, move on to the nest step.

Step 5

Start drawing the legs and/or tail of Gaara’s coat blowing gently in the wind. Add more detail to the bag then his belt and sleeves as shown for you here.

Step 6

You will actually start sketching Gaara’s legs right now as you can see. As you do this, remember to add a top line for his boot socks.

Step 7

Welcome to your final step and here you can see you will draw his legs and then the rest of the jacket. erase the principles and shapes you drew in step one and then move around to see how your finished line work looks.

Step 8

Here it is guys, your very own Gaara in Naruto. I finally finished this tutorial on “how to draw Gaara from Naruto step by step”. Color your character and I’ll see you later.

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