How to Draw a Pickle with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Included are 5 easy steps to follow, children will enjoy creating their own pickle on paper.

How to Draw a Pickle

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below

You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

Step 1. Draw the main shape of the pickle.

Sketch a curve for the top of the pickle. Continue the lines to form a closed line. Try to accurately depict the shape of the pickle.

Step 2. Draw the stem.

On the left side, draw the short stem.

Step 3. Detail the surface of the pickle.

Sketch thin lines to depict the uneven surface.

Step 4. Describe the spikes.

On the surface of the pickle, add small spikes using short, curved lines.

Step 5. Color the pickle.

How to Draw a Pickle

Use green. You can add shadows and highlights if you want the pickle to look more realistic.

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