Angel Drawing easy by pencil with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Easy drawing tutorial for beginners and everyone.
Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below
Nina Sensei
Angels have always been thought of as innocent, pious and humble beings. We are sure that just drawing angel wings is enough for everyone to love to stare. In this tutorial you will learn how to draw beautiful angels. It may seem difficult at first but trust us. This simple corner drawing will be the stepping stone to your fantasy drawing. On the other hand, this looks very realistic drawing angel wings.
You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below
Here are the art supplies we can use in this drawing:
- 2B, 3B pencils for outline
- 6B pencil for shades and blend
- Eraser and sharpener
- Sharpie
- Black pointer
- A piece of paper or sketchbook
Step 1:
Sketch of a girl sitting with her face hidden behind her hair — Figure 1.
Step 2:
Draw the wings emerging from the back and extending upwards. Outline the wings with long outer lines to make them look more realistic. It will also highlight feather or feather patterns on the wings — Figure 2.
Step 3:
Draw lines of different sizes on the left wing just like you drew in the previous step. It will also enhance the texture of the feathers on the left wing — Figure 3.
Step 4:
Now it’s time to apply shades to the drawing. Apply gentle shades on the angel’s right wing and hair — Figure 4.
Step 5:
Draw the angel’s dress and put some bold dots in it. Then apply shades to the outfit — Figure 5.
Step 6:
In the last step, apply shades to the left wing. Then, to perfect the final stroke, use a pointer, black sharpener, or a 6B pencil on the outline. It will make your drawing stand out.
We hope that we are helping artists of all levels learn to draw seamlessly. Would you please check out our other drawing tutorials? We have a variety of simple drawings such as for kids and even for professionals. Don’t forget to share this post with your loved ones.