How To Draw Sandy Cheeks from Spongebob Squarepants

How To Draw Sandy Cheeks from Spongebob Squarepants with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Cartoon drawings for beginners and kids.

How To Draw Sandy Cheeks

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below


You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

Step 1

To start Sandy, we will first need to draw a large rectangle that will become her body. Floating just above that rectangle, draw another oval, with a half circle on it. This will eventually become Sandy’s head.

Step 2

Draw a large circle around Sandy’s head for her air helmet and connect her body to her head with a very thin neck.

Step 3

Give Sandy Cheeks two perfectly round eyes and a large triangular nose.

Also, draw Sandy’s tiny round ears that lie slightly behind.

Step 4

Give Sandy a big smile and a big square with a line in the middle for her crooked teeth.

Add three lashes above each of Sandy’s eyes and her face is done.

Step 5

Draw a loop around the bottom of Sandy’s helmet to connect it to her suit.

Step 6

Give Sandy a couple of cylindrical arms.

To create Sandy’s hand, we will draw two traditional glove shapes.

Step 7

Draw two small squares on the bottom of Sandy’s suit, which will be the openings for her legs.

Draw a very large flat shoe with a line running across the bottom.

Step 8

To complete Sandy’s boots, draw an “L” line near the front of her boots, this will help create the illusion that her boots are bulky.

Also, draw some lines where Sandy’s boots are tilted at an angle to make it look like it’s flexing a bit.

Step 9

Draw a small triangle and a long wavy line running down the center of Sandy’s body to form the zipper for her suit. You can also draw about three or four lines running down each of her arms.

Step 10

Now, Sandy Cheeks is nearing completion. All that’s left to do is give her a little flower on top of her helmet, and that’s it!

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