Miss Piggy Drawing with Pencil || How to Draw 3D Art

Miss Piggy Drawing by Pencil with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. How to Draw 3D Art for beginners and everyone.

Miss Piggy Drawing with Pencil - How to Draw 3D Art

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below

Marcello Barenghi

You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

Step 1
Draw a large circle for Miss Piggy’s head, then add facial guides. Finally draw the outline of her body. As you know all Muppets are only visible from the waist up. Only sometimes do you see their entire body, and when you look, they often limp.
Step 2
Using facial lines, draw two circles for her eyes, then start lining the pig’s mouth and nose.
Step 3
Outline the shape of her plump face, and when you’re done, you’ll need to start sketching out the wavy curls that frame her face. Next, draw more or less in clusters or lashes and draw on the iris and iris.
Step 4
Now you will start to draw her round pig nose. This is very similar to drawing a cylindrical object. After the nose is drawn, you can add nostrils. Then, draw straight lines for her open mouth, then outline the shape of her torso and arms. She is wearing gloves that cover most of her arms, so you will have to paint it as well.
Step 5
Now is the time to have fun, because you will be sketching out her beautiful blonde hairstyle. Miss Piggy has long, curly or wavy hair. Add details and some bold colors on the ends, then draw the shape of her ears.
Step 6
All you have to do here is finish Piggy by sketching more detail and defining the texture for her hair, then drawing inner lines for her ears. Next and last, draw a “V” cut for her dress, add a cut and then draw the shoulder straps of the dress. Delete the lines and shapes that you drew in step one to clean up your sketch.
Step 7
Tada! This is a beautiful, talented, bold and lovable Piggy. Take out your girly colors and start shading your Muppets character.


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