How to draw Poseidon Step by Step for Beginners

How to draw Poseidon easy with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. How to draw cartoons for beginners and kids.

How to draw a cartoon Poseidon

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below


You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

Step 1

Begin by drawing guide lines that will help you draw the Poseidon cartoon. Draw a circle with an inverted triangle below it. These will help you shape your head and body. Then, draw a vertical line down the center of the shapes. Below the top of the triangle, draw a curve to the side.

Step 2

Begin to detail the face. Draw curves on each side of the circle. Use curves to outline part of the eye’s teardrop shape. In each eye, draw two consecutive smaller circles and shade the inner circle to denote the pupil. Use a short, curved line to form the nose.

Step 3

Use curves to draw a shape like the letter “M” below the nose. This is Poseidon’s mustache. Connect it to the edges of the face using curves.

Step 4

Draw Poseidon’s beard. Use long and curved lines that meet at jagged points.

Step 5

Draw a curve across the top of the face, connecting the sides of the head. This forms the basis of the crown. Draw upward curves from each end of the sole to form the edges of the crown. Then extend an inward curve from each side, allowing the lines to meet at a high point. This completes the contour of the crown. Decorate it with a small, oval, central jewel. Next, draw curves from the bottom of the crown to the sides of the face to indicate Poseidon’s hair.

Step 6

Begin to sketch the Poseidon’s shoulder and body. Use “C” shaped lines to draw shoulders and chest muscles. Stretch a few curves below the chest to outline the abdomen.

Step 7

Drawing Poseidon’s muscular arm. Use the pairs of curves to outline the upper and lower arms. Then use a “C” shaped line for the fist and another curve for the thumb.

Step 8

Draw Poseidon’s other arm, ready to hold the staff. Use an “L” shaped curve for the lower arm and overlap curves for the upper arm. Draw a series of small ellipses that overlap to represent the fingers.

Step 9

Drawing Poseiden’s trident. Draw straight, long, parallel lines that go through and fill the spaces between his fingers and his arms. Connect the lines with a short curve at the bottom. Then use a series of curves to create a pointed “W” shape at the tip of the stick.

Step 10

Draw a fish tail similar to Poseidon. Surround the body with a curve and bring another set of curves to a point below it. Elongate curves and length from belly. Use the additional curves to complete the “Y” shaped fins at the end of the tail. Remove guide lines from your drawing. Coloring your cartoon Poseidon.

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