How to draw Sarabi from the lion king | how to draw cartoon characters

How to draw Sarabi from the lion king step by step easy with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. How to draw cartoons characters for children.

How to draw Sarabi from the lion king

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below

You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below


Start this first step by drawing a few circles, the first being Nala’s head. After you find out your head shape, add the instructions on the next face. Now draw two circles for Sarabi’s precious chest and body. From circles, you can continue and add directions to chi and tail.


In the next step, you will begin to draw out the shape of the head and add the circular shape of the ear and curve to the back of the neck. Next draw a line from the curve you draw as a guide on your face and start adding lining to your mouth and jaw. The next sketch of the shape of her front and back legs and thickening of the tail and hair detail on her head.


Now the first thing you will do here is the details inside your ear and add to the left. Next, draw two almond shaped shapes that fit both the eye and the nose as well as the shape of the head. Sketch in the neck and forehead and then paint the muscles on the upper part of the foot and the line for his toes. Draw the abdomen and then the shape of the hind legs and the rest of the lining to the tail.


In this final drawing, you will detail the inside of both ears and add two curves on the eye. You will now give her some color in the student and finish lining for her whole body including her back, stomach, hind legs, toes, chest and face. Delete all the instructions that you drew in step one.


This is what your Sarabi should look out for to look like when you finish it. The color of her and that is your end. Quite easy? That would do it for this tutorial on how to draw Sarabi from the Lion King step by step.


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