How to Draw A Ballerina Dancer Step by Step || Girl Dancer Drawing

How to Draw A Ballerina Dancer easy with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Easy drawing tutorial for beginners and everyone.

How to Draw a Ballerina

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below


You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

Step 1

You will start by drawing a ballet frame as shown to you here. First draw a circle for her head and then add a neckline. From the end of the neckline, you’ll draw another circle for her chest, followed by a waist line. Connect the waistband to the lower part of the ballerinas body. Finally draw two long legs and make sure the feet on the floor are bent.

Step 2

Now that the first step has been drawn, you can start adding the shapes of her limbs. Start with a small circle for her shoulders and then draw the shapes of her thighs and the bottom of her ballerinas legs as shown to you here.

Step 3

Now you will outline the side shape of her pretty face. Since her neck is arched back, you have to pull her hair like it’s being blown into her head with a fan. You can create any hairstyle you want, I chose a unique hairstyle. Next, draw her neckline and then outline her eyes and ears.

Step 4

In this next step you will start drawing the ballerina’s arms and hands as shown to you here. Once done, draw the outline of her jawline and chin as well as detail and define her eyes. Add some detail under her arms to emphasize her boldness.

Step 5

Here you will begin to outline the ballerina’s exercise. All you have to do is draw a disc shape for the bottom and then draw her shape. Perfect her hands by drawing her fingers the way you see in this fifth step on how to draw a ballet dancer.

Step 6

This is your final drawing step and what you will do first is draw lines to separate the top of the tutu and her breasts. Finish drawing the ruffles of the dancer’s dress and then add pleats to make it look stiff and puffy. Finish drawing the ballerina’s feet and then you will eventually learn how to draw the ballerina shoes as they are seen here on her arched foot. Erase all the principles and shapes that you drew in step one.

Step 7

Here’s what your finished sketch will look like when you’re done. All you have to do now is choose a shade to color her. I hope you guys had fun learning how to draw a ballet dancer step by step. I know I can.


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