How To Draw Soda cute and easy step by step

How To Draw Soda easy and cute with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Easy drawings for kids and everyone.

How To Draw Funny Soda easy and cute

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below

Cute Soda Drawing Step by Step

Step 1. Draw the Soda Bottle Base

First, draw the soda bottle base with a clever combination of a pair of cartoon feet as shown.

Step 2. Draw the Soda Bottle

Next, from the base, draw it up to the body of the bottle, the top part is narrowed down and ends with the bottle cap with a small rectangle. Add some decorative lines on the sida bottle cap.

Step 3. Draw the packaging outline on the soda bottle

We simply draw a slightly curved horizontal line near the neck of the soda bottle to divide the soda bottle into the soda label and the neck. Add some lines on the neck of the soda bottle.

Step 4. Cartoon Face

And of course, to have a cute cartoon Soda bottle, we draw a cartoon face near the bottom of the bottle as shown.

Step 5. Add patterns

In the middle of the soda bottle, we draw curved lines and soda drops.

Step 6. Add the word Soda

Add the word Soda above and a few drops of soda above the word.

Step 7. Color

How To Draw Funny Soda easy and cute

Finally, color the cute cartoon soda bottle with your favorite color. You can be creative with some details or draw and color as instructed.

You can see more drinks drawing:



  1. furtdso linopv August 29, 2018

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