How to draw a spruce tree Step by Step

How to draw a spruce tree easy with this how-to video and step-by-step drawing instructions. Tree Drawing tutorial for beginners and kids.

how to draw a spruce tree

Please see the drawing tutorial in the video below


You can refer to the simple step-by-step drawing guide below

Step 1

Start by drawing the top or top of your tree. First, draw an upside down “V” using two curved lines. Then connect the lines at the bottom using a series of short, curved lines that meet at jagged points. This figure should be roughly triangular in shape.

Step 2

Next, draw a curved line, or set of rounded branches below the crown. Extend a curved line down from each side of the crown. Then connect the lines at the bottom using a series of short, curved lines that meet at jagged points.

Step 3

Draw two more twists, each slightly larger than the last. For each twist, extend a curve down from each side of the previous loop. Then connect the lines at the bottom using a series of short, curved lines that meet at jagged points.

Step 4

Draw a large swirl below the previous section. Extend a curved line down from each side of the previous curve, then join the lines at the bottom using a series of short curved lines that meet at jagged points.

Step 5

Draw another curve, using two curves connected by a series of short curves that meet at jagged points. Note that the rotations are no longer larger than the last one.

Step 6

Draw another twist, slightly smaller than the line above it.

Step 7

Draw another small rotation below the previous section.

Step 8

Draw two more swirls, going back to the practice of making them larger than the previous ones. Notice that the middle of the last line is higher at its edges. This will allow the trunk.

Step 9

Draw the trunk of the spruce, using two curved lines. Indicate a fork on the branches using a “V” shaped line with a rounded end. Then draw the ground underneath the tree. Use overlapping curves, complete with arrays of shorter lines that meet at jagged points. They indicate tufts of grass.

Step 10

Color your spruce. Spruces are often dark green or even blue in color.

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